Is It Possible to Predict Binge Drinking in Teens?

If you’re a parent dealing with teenage alcoholism or alcohol abuse near Fort Lauderdale, you may be wondering what leads to binge drinking in teens. Most high schoolers have tried alcohol by the time they turned sixteen, and a portion of these youths develop binge drinking habits while they’re still in high school.

Watch this video to see how scientists are learning how to predict binge drinking in teens. In a study published in the journal “Nature”, neurologists discovered indicators that predict which fourteen-year-olds will become binge drinkers by the time they are sixteen.

The study found a link between alcohol abuse and personality types; specifically, that thrill-seekers were more likely to develop binge drinking habits. The researchers also found that children in families who have a history of alcoholism or drug abuse are at a higher risk for binge drinking.

Highlighting the Benefits of Intervention Services

Services for intervention in Fort Lauderdale can help your loved one recover from alcoholism and addiction. Intervention can be a powerful experience for all who are involved, improving understanding between parents and children and opening a path to recovery.

When a family member is suffering with abuse or addiction, intervention services are designed to reduce risk factors for continued use and to motivate the individual to modify their dangerous behaviors. Adolescent intervention services monitor the patient’s condition and progress, and provide ongoing assessment of the adolescent’s need for referrals and other services.

At The Bougainvilla House, our treatment model includes helping the affected adolescent or family member realize that they have a substance abuse problem or addiction, and to enlighten them to healthier behaviors and lifestyles. We prepare the youth or family member with the necessary skills to lead a life free of drug and alcohol misuse, and connect them to the recovery services that they need to be well again.